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Centerville Youth Lacrosse

Centerville Youth Lacrosse


About Centerville Youth Lacrosse

Q: Who can play for Centerville Youth Lacrosse?
A: Boys and girls in Kindergarten through 6th grade. Our club is for those who reside in the Centerville School District, but if a district does not have a lacrosse program and there is space after registration closes, we will except players from outside the district.  

Q: Does each grade have their own team?
A: No.  Players are grouped by grade; boys and girls field teams at each of the following grades:  K - 2nd grade, 3rd-4th grade, and 5th-6th grade. If there are enough players there could be multiple teams.

Q: My child is in 6th grade and is interested in lacrosse, is it too late to start?
A: Absolutely not! Many kids begin in middle school or even later. At the 5th/6th-grade level, there's plenty of time to learn the basics and develop skills. Plus, it can be a fun way for your child to stay active, make friends, and enjoy the sport. Keep an eye out for clinics, camps, and fun events we offer throughout the year that are geared toward beginners; we have experienced coaches who can help new players get started.

Q: Can my child play basketball and lacrosse at the same time?
A: Yes, they can definitely play basketball and lacrosse at the same time! Many kids participate in multiple sports, especially in youth leagues. Just keep an eye on their schedule to ensure they’re not overwhelmed and have enough time to rest and enjoy both sports. Balancing the two can also help them develop a variety of skills. Communication with coaches from both sports can help manage any potential scheduling conflicts.

Q. Is there a middle school team for kids in grades 7 & 8?
A: Yes, the middle school teams are now part of the Centerville School District. Contact Centerville's Assistant Athletic Director, Duane Pullins, for more information.

Q: Are there tryouts?
A: There are no tryouts within this organization at this time.  No prior lacrosse experience is required. Every eligible child is accepted into our program and receives comparable playing time, coaching, and attention regardless of their athletic ability, skill, and experience.  At some grade levels, and especially if we have enough players to field two teams, we may evaluate players to put players of similar skill on each team.

Q: Is there contact?
A: Boys' lacrosse is a contact sport. Players are allowed to contact sticks as well as “check” or make contact above the waist within specified guidelines. Girls' lacrosse is a non-contact sport.

Q: Is lacrosse a violent sport?
A: Lacrosse can be physical, but it’s not inherently violent. It has rules and regulations designed to ensure player safety, and players wear protective gear like helmets/goggles and pads (boys). While there are checks and physical contact in boys lacrosse games, the focus is on skill and teamwork rather than aggression. Like any sport, how it's played can vary, so it’s important to encourage good sportsmanship and respect for opponents. Overall, it can be a fun and competitive game without being violent!

Q: When is registration and when does the season begin/end?
A: Lacrosse is a spring sport, roughly March through May. We open registration in September. Clinics and conditioning will begin indoors in mid- to late-January. Outdoor practices will begin in late February/early March as weather permits. Regular season games will start early-March and run thru May.

Q: When are games played?
A: Games for the Boys K/2 are on Saturdays, Boys 3rd/4th and 5th/6th grade are typically on Sundays. Girls K/2 play on Sundays and 3rd/4th and 5th/6th typically play on Saturdays. We also intend to play in at least one tournament.

Q: How long are the games?
A: Generally, youth lacrosse games are played in four quarters or two halves, with each quarter or half lasting 10 to 20 minutes, respectively. The actual time spent playing can be longer due to stoppages for penalties and timeouts, so our games are typically about 50-55 minutes from start to finish.

Q: Where are practices held? Where are games played?
A: Outdoor practices will be at Mays Park off of Social Row.  Games are played in the Dayton and Cincinnati area depending on the season.  When available home games can be played at Schoolhouse Park and Alumni Stadium.

Q: Is lacrosse played in inclement weather?
A: Yes. Games are played rain or shine as long as field conditions are determined to be acceptable according to the home team's field preservation guidelines.

Q: In what league does Centerville Youth Lacrosse play?
A: Centerville Youth Lacrosse plays within the Southern Ohio Chapter of USA Lacrosse.

Q: I want to help coach but I don't know enough about lacrosse. What options do I have?
A: Lacrosse is relatively new to this area. There is really no established pool of former players from which to draw our coaching staff. Centerville Youth Lacrosse will be holding several training sessions for new and existing coaches during the winter off season. The US Lacrosse website also has a great deal of information for people new to the sport of lacrosse. Please see the Coach Info tab to learn how to become a coach with Centerville Youth Lacrosse.

Q: Will there be travel involved for our lacrosse games?
A: Technically no, but many of the lacrosse clubs with whom we will play are in the Cincinnati area. You should expect approximately an hour drive to many away locations. With that said, there are clubs in Dayton, Lebanon, Springboro, and Bellbrook with whom we will try to schedule games.

Q: What are the costs?
A: Registration costs (including uniform) vary by age.  K-2 prices will be around $135.  Grades 3-6 around $245.  Additionally, all Centerville Youth Lacrosse players and coaches must be active members of US Lacrosse. The fee for US Lacrosse membership is $30 for players and $55 for coaches (coach membership is reimbursed upon completion of certification).  Equipment is the other cost involved in this sport – see below for more information about equipment.

Q: What is USA Lacrosse?
A: USA Lacrosse is the national governing body of men's and women's lacrosse. Membership in USA Lacrosse provides league required insurance coverage for the players and coaches as well as other benefits. Their website is

Q: What specific equipment is needed?   –   A great resource for understanding equipment needs:  Equipment Guide

A: Boys must wear/use the following equipment at all practices and games:

  • Helmet – Lacrosse specific
  • Mouth Guard
  • Shoulder Pads – Lacrosse specific and NOCSAE approved
  • Arm Pads – Lacrosse specific
  • Gloves – Lacrosse specific
  • Athletic cup and cup holder
  • Men's Lacrosse stick
  • Light weight cleats (football or soccer are fine). No steel or baseball cleats.
  • Goalies MUST wear a throat guard and can optionally wear shin guards, knee pads, and thigh pads. Goalie gear is loaned to players by the club.
  • (Optional) Rib guard/pads
  • The most important item for your player is his helmet. Poorly fitting helmets can be extremely uncomfortable and can completely affect his desire to play. We encourage you NOT to buy your son’s first helmet online. Please attempt to try on equipment before purchasing. Helmet comfort by brand & model tends to vary dramatically between kids.  Gloves are the second most important fit item for boys. They help your son retain good control of the stick while protecting his hands. 
  • The cost for the entire set of equipment will range from $200 - $350.

A. Girls must wear/use the following equipment at all practices and games:

  • Eye Protection – Lacrosse specific. Eye protection varies in size and shape so be sure to select a pair that fits comfortably and securely on your daughter. 
  • Mouth Guard
  • Women's Lacrosse stick
  • Lightweight cleats (football or soccer are fine). No steel or baseball cleats.
  • Goalies MUST wear a helmet with face mask, a separate throat protector, padded gloves, a mouthpiece, a chest protector, and padding on the shins and thighs. Goalie gear is loaned to players by the club.
  • (Optional) Helmet (which provides eye protection) (Example Helmet)
  • (Optional) Close fitting gloves w/grippers (for cold weather)
  • The cost of the entire set of equipment will range from $70 - $200.

Q. Where can I purchase lacrosse equipment?
A. Velocity Lacrosse in West Chester, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Amazon and even Play It Again Sports all sell lacrosse equipment.

Q: Where do I get the uniform?
A: Uniforms are included in the registration fee and will be given to players before their first games. If we are using the same uniform design as previous years, they can be purchased separately only if needed by the player (whether the player is new, or returning and has grown out of theirs), and deducted from the registration fee for those who do not need a new one.

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